Contributing Guide

ZAP is a community project and we want more people to get involved.

Here are some of the ways you can contribute to ZAP:

Like, Star or Follow ZAP - it is easy to do and it really does help raise ZAP's profile

Join in the Discussions - ask questions, answer questions, give your opinions

Complete the Latest ZAP Questionnaire - a one page questionnaire about how you use ZAP

Request Changes - report issues, vulnerabilities and raise feature requests

Become a ZAP Evangelist - anyone can do it, you just need to feel comfortable talking about ZAP

Contribute a Success Story - tell the world how you are using ZAP

Help Improve the ZAP Docs - because documentation is always so important

Translate ZAP - so that people can use ZAP in their native language

Test ZAP - e.g. against deliberately vulnerable applications

Coding - because writing code is key to all tools

Scan Rules - a great way to learn more about security without having to understand too much of the ZAP code base

Run a Hackathon - if you run a technical group then why not get everyone involved?

Core Team - here's what the ZAP Core Team is about and how you can join us

Roles and Governance - project roles and governance