
We measure and record a range of statistics related to ZAP, some of which are made public here.

Headline Statistics for June 2024

Number of Times ZAP was Started 5,101,617
Number of Active Scans 1,373,609
Number of Alerts Raised 1,362,897,384
Number of Active Scan Messages Sent 3,742,202,725

Bar Charts - Including Check for Updates, Direct Downloads, Docker Pulls, and User Group Posts

Pie Charts - Including Pings by Country, OS, ZAP run type and container

Top ZAP Add-Ons Last Month - The most frequently installed optional add-ons last month

Highest False Positives Last Month - The alerts most frequently flagged as false positives using Alert Filters last month

Top Active Scan Rules Last Month - Details of the top active scan rules last month