Pie Charts

Some stats are shown for all pings and for desktop only pings. The desktop pings show a significantly different profile, possibly because many automated ZAP scans run in the cloud and many cloud providers are located in the USA. We also know that quite a few companies run ZAP as a SaaS offering which will also skew the stats.

News Pings by Country in June 2024

The number of News pings from ZAP by country in June 2024

Desktop News Pings by Country in June 2024

The number of News pings from ZAP Desktops by country in June 2024

News Pings by OS in June 2024

The number of News pings from ZAP by OS in June 2024

Desktop News Pings by OS in June 2024

The number of News pings from ZAP Desktops by OS in June 2024

News Pings by ZAP Run Type in June 2024

The number of News pings from ZAP by run type in June 2024

News Pings by Container in June 2024

The number of News pings from ZAP by container in June 2024