Third Party Products and Services

Third Party Products and Services which use or integrate with ZAP.
Note that these are not endorsed by the ZAP team.

Services (Supportive)

These companies use ZAP, and do the right thing by paying for a Support Package - these will help us become sustainable.

If you are interested in a commercial product based on ZAP then please check them out.

NightVision Commercial
ZAP Supporter
SOOS Commercial
ZAP Supporter

Services (Unsupportive)

These companies use ZAP but do not currently support us in any way (except where noted).

If you already use one of these services then please encourage them to support us financially.

If you are looking for commercial DAST solution then please first consider one of the companies that support us financially, listed above.

Astra Commercial Limited GitHub sponsorship
HostedScan Commercial, free option Limited GitHub sponsorship
Tecvity Software Services Provider Ongoing code contributions
Aikido Commercial, free option
Blacklock Commercial
Checkmarx DAST Commercial
Cyber Tzar Commercial, free option
DeepFactor Commercial, free community edition
Idyllum Commercial, free option
Forward Security Commercial
Intruder Commercial
IOTHREAT Commercial
Probely Commercial, free option
Jit Commercial Commercial, free option
NamicSoft Commercial
PatrOwl Commercial, free for open source projects
Scan Factory Commercial Commercial, free option
StackHawk Commercial, free option
Traceable Commercial

Open Source Services

Open Source projects which use ZAP.
SecureCodeBox Free, open source OWASP Tool
ArcherySec Free, open source
DAST Operator Free, open source
Ostorlab Free, open source
Rekono Free, open source
RedHat RapiDAST Free, open source
SecHub Free, open source
PurpleTeam-Labs Commercial, free option, open source OWASP Tool
Alertflex Commercial, free community edition, open source
BDD Security Free, open source No longer maintained?
Microsoft RAFT Free, open source No longer maintained
Seccubus Free, open source No longer maintained?


Products and services that can import ZAP results.

DefectDojo Free, open source OWASP Tool
Dradis Open source community edition
Faraday Open source community edition
Sn1per Open source community edition
AppSec Phoenix Commercial, free option
Harness Commercial, free option
Uleska Commercial, free option
ArmorCode Commercial
Edgescan Commercial
Kondukto Commercial
Nucleus Commercial
PlexTrac Commercial
Riscosity Commercial
Sn1per Pro Commercial
Strobes Security Commercial
ThreadFix Commercial
Virtuoso Commercial
Lombiq UI Testing Toolbox for Orchard Core Free, open source UI testing library for the ASP.NET Core web CMS and framework Orchard Core (


ZAP related training courses.

The XSS Rat Fully FREE @OWASP ZAP Course
AppSec Engineer DAST Automation with OWASP ZAP
Coursera Web Application Security Testing with OWASP ZAP
Cycubix Web Application Security Essentials
Cybrary OWASP ZAP Tool
Eduonix PenTesting with OWASP ZAP: mastery course
Everable Automated DAST in CI/CD using OWASP ZAP
Pluralsight ZAP Getting Started Course
Pluralsight Automate Web Application Scans with OWASP ZAP and Python
Pluralsight Writing Custom Scripts for OWASP Zed Attack Proxy
TCM Security Practical Web Application Security Testing
Udemy OWASP ZAP From Scratch


Books that significantly feature ZAP. Zed Attack Proxy Cookbook OWASP ZAP: GitHub Actions