Active Scan Rule Stats Last Month

This page shows the statistics for the top 30 (by alert count) Active Scan rules last month. You can sort on any column - just click on the column headers.

For more details on what the stats mean see the blog post: Monthly Active Scan Rule Statistics

Alert Status Alert Count False Positive % Average Time in Secs
User Agent Fuzzer release 43099843 0.066 109
Cookie Slack Detector beta 516759 0.051 18
Hidden File Found release 507662 0.028 61
Proxy Disclosure beta 473716 0.016 44
SQL Injection release 230133 0.327 115
.htaccess Information Leak release 213790 0.003 11
Backup File Disclosure beta 213406 0.755 51
CORS Header beta 207599 0 38
Directory Browsing release 205175 0 23
SOAP Action Spoofing beta 205030 0 14
Insecure HTTP Method beta 181965 0 13
SQL Injection - SQLite release 180105 0.02 44
Anti-CSRF Tokens Check beta 167638 1.696 16
XSLT Injection release 131068 0.448 73
GET for POST release 121543 0 13
Cross Site Scripting (Reflected) release 115766 0.002 52
Buffer Overflow release 89998 0 32
Path Traversal release 83979 0.021 164
Cloud Metadata Potentially Exposed release 61155 0.009 8
.env Information Leak release 58622 0.013 13
Trace.axd Information Leak release 55805 0.006 13
SQL Injection - Oracle release 54248 0.048 36
HTTPS Content Available via HTTP beta 47066 0 18
Relative Path Confusion beta 37994 0 17
Bypassing 403 beta 32192 0.275 15
Server Side Template Injection beta 29226 0 73
Format String Error release 26568 0.15 33
Source Code Disclosure - File Inclusion beta 21475 0.041 11
Spring4Shell beta 14307 0.017 38
Parameter Tampering release 12556 0 34