
No target dates are given as much of the work on ZAP is done by volunteers. We also aim to react very quickly to urgent issues which inevitably delays other planned work.

For details of how to sponsor ZAP developments see the Support page.

These are the major items on ZAP’s roadmap for the next few years:

Year Status
Sponsor Item
2024 ⌚ Planned Release 2.16
2024 ⚡ In progress Crash Override Secure Funding for ZAP Development
2024 ⚡ In progress Automation Framework GitHub Action
2024 ⚡ In progress Import PCAP files
2024 ⚡ In progress Crash Override gRPC Support
2024 ⚡ In progress Update to latest Crawljax
2024 ⚡ In progress Improve modern web app handling
2024 ⚡ In progress Automation Framework enhancements
2024 ⚡ In progress Move core functionality to add-ons
2024 ⚡ In progress Move Passive Scanner to an add-on
2024 ⚡ In progress Move Break Functionality to an add-on
2024 ⚡ In progress OpenSSF Best Practices: Silver
2024 ⚡ In progress Ensure alert details and examples are complete and up to date
n/a ♻ Ongoing Continue working on issues
n/a ♻ Ongoing Continue improving scan rules
n/a ♻ Ongoing Continue improving authentication handling
2024 🎉 Finished Scripts as First Class Scan Rules
2024 🎉 Finished Release 2.15