Command Line

The Network add-on supports the following command line options:

-certload Loads the Root CA certificate from the specified file.
-certpubdump Dumps the Root CA certificate into the specified file, this is suitable for importing into browsers.
-certfulldump Dumps the Root CA certificate and the private key into the specified file, this is suitable for importing into ZAP.
-host Overrides the host of the main proxy, specified in the configuration file.
-port Overrides the port of the main proxy, specified in the configuration file.

Local Servers/Proxies

When ZAP is running in command line mode (i.e. -cmd) only the main proxy is started, for example, to proxy integration tests or access the ZAP API. If unable to start the main proxy in command line mode or in daemon mode (i.e. -daemon) ZAP is terminated, when running with GUI an appropriate warning is shown instead.

See also

Network the introduction to Network add-on